Thursday, December 30, 2010

Win it For . . .

Win it for Bo Jackson--who has been so amazing in his support this season--and the rest of the 1983 team, who should have moved up from No. 3 to No. 1 when No. 1 Nebraska and No. 2 Texas lost, only to be passed over for a Miami team who beat a supposedly "unbeatable" media-darling team;

Win it for Stan White, who led his Tigers to 10 victories; for Patrick Nix, who came in for an injured White on 4th down against Alabama and threw the most improbable of all improbable touchdown passes; and for the rest of the 1993 team, who vanquished all opponents and were the only undefeated team in the country, but would not be voted No. 1 because the press decided that season that teams on probation were not supposed to be voted No. 1--even though teams on probation before and since then have been;

Win it for Jason Campbell, Cadillac Williams, Ronnie Brown, and the rest of the 2004 team, who won every game but were denied the title game based on style points, who watched as Oklahoma was crushed and shown not to belong in the game, and who learned later that USC was using ineligible players;

Win it for all the people who were ever told they didn't deserve the success they'd earned, who ever heard they had not lived up to a subjective standard, that there was something wrong with the system, that they didn't belong and should know their place, but who persevered anyway;

But most of all, win it for yourselves. Such moments as these are rare and fleeting, so make the most of it: soak it in, have some fun, and kick some butt.

Who do you want Auburn to "Win it for"? Add your comments below. And check out the About page for more information.


  1. Because of my immense respect for previous Auburn teams that found themselves, through no fault of their own, on the wrong side of "national championship" popularity contests, I'm hesitant to put this--entirely wonderful--current team on a pedestal by itself. That understood, it's still more than appropriate for us to remember our heritage, on and off the field, as we prepare for this last step towards another undefeated season.

    So win it, Tigers. Win it for Shug Jordan and Pat Dye and (yes) Terry Bowden and Tommy Tuberville, too. Win it for every coach who spent those endless hours away from their families so that you and your predecessors and the ones who will come after you could have opportunities like this. They laid the foundations that you stand on today.

    Win it for Jimmy Sidle and Terry Beasley and Lionel James and Dennis Collier and Carlo Cheattom and Dowe Aughtman and James Bostic and Walter Tate and Mike Pelton and Thomas Bailey and Dameyune Craig and Courtney Taylor and Travis Williams and Brandon Cox and Ben Tate. Win it for every guy who wore that blue jersey and laid his guts on the line, again and again and again.

    Win it for the ones who aren't with us today. Win it for Virgil Starks and John Thrower and Dean Foy, all lost on the cusp of this magical season. Win it for Greg Pratt and Ronnie Ross and Erk Russell and Connie Frederick. Win it for every spirit who stands on that sideline beside you.

    Go win it, Auburn. Win it for all of them, and win it for yourselves. You have fought the fight and paid the price, and now it is your time to claim your place among the legends.

    Go win it all.

  2. Win it for Jim Fyffe.

  3. Win it I know that sounds selfish, I get it, but I really really really would love to shove this one in the faces of all the haters here in North Carolina. Of course, I want you to win it for all of the reasons so eloquently written above ditto on all those, but as for this Auburn fan, I simply want you to Win It All for...well, me.

    War Damn Eagle!

  4. Win it for the AU Alumni, students and fans
    who have supported AU thick and thin over the
    Win it for the for yourselves, the'10 Coaches and Players, who believed that it was possible to run the table and win it all when no one
    else thought it possible....

  5. Win it for Jim Fyffe, Virgil Starks, John Thrower, Mark Green and Dean Foy. Some people say that a rolled Toomer's Corner looks like Heaven; these guys are going to make Heaven look like Toomer's Corner.

  6. Win it for Shug and Sully and Thom Gossom and Danny Sanspree and Gabe Gross, and for great AU profs like Jerry Brown, Jack Simms, Mickey Logue and Wayne Flynt. Win it for yourselves and for all of us who for so long braved the taunts of the Bama hordes.

  7. Win it for our amazing coaching staff, especially our Head Coach, who gets so little credit from the media.
    Win it for Cam and Gus so that they'll stay with us just one more year.
    Win it for the entire Auburn Family.

    War eagle!

  8. Win it for any Auburn fan who has ever had some mouth-breathing, no-degree, booger-eating bammer wax condescendingly about how we are their "little sister."

    Seriously, people, don't be afraid of this chance. Want it. Desire it with every fiber in your body. We are great people unified by a great university and we DESERVE this title.

    Do not worry about failure, because worriers do not TAKE national championships, champions do. Do not fret about this team's shortcomings because we win this ONE GAME and nothing else remains but that crystal trophy.

    Think about how flawed the '07 and '03 LSU teams were...or how the '06 UF team backed into the championship game...or how the '92 UA team barely got past Southern Miss, Louisiana Tech, and MissSt.

    This is our chance. This is our turn. Take. It.

  9. Win it for all of us who stepped on Auburn's campus the first time and immediately knew we had found a new home.

  10. Win it for the 1988 squad that was denied a shot at the national title by a late TD after dominating LSU in Baton Rouge all night.

    Win it for Neil Caudle and Kodi Burns who could have transferred or become embittered but refused to give into that demon.

  11. Win it for Shon Coleman. He stands with you today because you stood with him.

  12. Win it for the entire AUBURN FAMILY, of which you and everyone listed above is a special part, and to which many more special people will be added, and you will cement your legacy that will be cherished by your family, forever.

  13. Win it for the kids in 3rd grade who will love Auburn the rest of their lives!
    Win it for the 40 year old men who have loved Auburn since the 3rd grade!
    Win it for those that believe in Auburn and love it!

  14. Win one for David Housel and all other Auburn men and women.

  15. Win it for the underdogs who never stopped trying and for their fans who never stopped believing.

  16. Win it for my Daddy, Bob Ingram, who loved...and hated... Auburn till the day he died 3 years ago. Win it for all the sons and daughters of great Auburn men like my Daddy....sons and daughters who, like me, prayed for victory on the Autumn Saturdays of our childhood. Victory so he would lift me to his shoulders and dance around the room. Victory that sent us rolling in a freshly-raked leaf pile where we'd retreated in frustration during the "punt, Bama, Punt" game. Victory made my Daddy dance for joy and I danced with him. Win it and i know he will be dancing in Heaven!

  17. First and foremost win it for yourselves - you who have put in endless hours practicing and keeping focused and believed you could win.
    Win it for a wonderful coaching & support staff who have lead you and taught you to be upstanding young men.
    Win it for the AU Marching Band, cheerleaders and Tiger Paws who puts in all the hours but get little or no TV time.
    Win it for the student body who has lead the way in supporting you game after game.
    Win it for the Auburn Family who love you and have welcomed you into this wonderful family.
    Win it!
    WAR EAGLE!!!!!

  18. Win it for this AU family that stands shoulder to shoulder as one, year after year whether win or lose. Win it for this AU family who proudly wears our beloved orange and blue because of who we are not what we do. Win it because it takes generations of love, pride, commitment, perseverance, presence and loyalty to build a family as true as ours. Win it for your AU family each of whom has always been All In and always will be. Win it for yourselves! You are our brothers; we are proud of the fine men you are and we stand with you as you show the country what this AU family is made of!
    War Eagle!

  19. Win it for all the families like mine who loaded up the car with tailgatin' food early on a Saturday morning and drove hours to arrive in the loveliest village on the plain.

    Win it for that little girl (me!) who remembers one of her best Christmas gifts ever -- tickets to the 1984 Sugar Bowl.

    Win it for those of us who were in New Orleans for that Sugar Bowl in 1984 and thought we'd earned the National Championship with that win, only to see us skipped over in the polls and Miami get it.

    Win it for our Auburn men and women serving in harm's way all over the world.

    Yes, Win it for Auburn men and women everywhere, including me and my husband who will be getting up in the middle of the night here in Rome, Italy to cheer on our team.


  20. Win it for my Dad, 1983, 1988, 1993, and 2004!

    War Damn Eagle!!!!

  21. Win it for the 83 team, 93 team, 94 team, and of course the 2004 team. We have been passed over one too many times. Win it for all the Auburn family who really believe in it. It's not a cliche. We are different. Win it for my Wife, Dad, Mom, brothers,uncles, aunts, and cousins who have all graduated from Auburn and who have played a vital part in my Auburn experience. This is our time.. Win it for my Auburn friends and family who are no longer with us in body, but who are watching from heaven and who are surely singing glory glory to ole Auburn! Win it for the former players who have made Auburn football what it is today...

  22. Win it for the AU Family...
    Win it for the little known Auburn Men and Women like Edward R (Shorty) Wren that left the University and the football program to serve in WWI and cried in formation when marching through the streets of Montgomery upon his return when the Auburn Band spotted him and played the fight song in appreciation for his service to the University and his country.
    Win it for those of us whose bedtime stories were things like Punt, Bama Punt and Sullivan to Beasley.
    Win it for the fans of the institution that love everything that makes Auburn University what it is.
    Win it for those of us that asked our wives to marry us on the steps of Samford Hall because that is where our parents and grandparents were engaged.
    Win it for the people that take the Auburn Creed to heart strive to live our lives with the same ideas.
    Win it for my father and every other Auburn Man and Woman that cannot be with us.

  23. Win it for all those old, feeble Auburn grads who came to watch Auburn play Georgia Tech in the early 80's when I was a teen. I was inspired by their tenacity. I don't see that any more.

  24. First and foremost, win it for yourselves. You've all worked so hard this year -- all to get to this point. Stay focused, play hard and savor the victory.

    Win it for those we remember and will never forget: Shug, Pat Sullivan, Terry Beasley, Bo Jackson, Pat Dye, the '57 team, the '83 team, the '93 team and the '04 team.

    Win it for Dean Foy.

    Win it for Jim Fyffe.

    Win it for the unsung heroes: Reggie Slack, Frank Sanders, Junior Rosegreen, Karlos Dansby, Devin Aromashodu, Ben Obomanu, Scott Etheridge, Terry Daniels, Kodi Burns and the list goes on and on. Too many to name.

    Win it for the Auburn Journalism department, of which I'm a proud alum. Better yet, win it for every Auburn faculty member, staff member, student and alum.

    Win it for my grandfather, who never got to attend Auburn himself, but loves it as much as any person could and made sure both his kids (and his granddaughter and namesake) were able to go.

    Win it for all of us -- the entire Auburn Family. We're all here behind you, rooting for you to take it all.

  25. Win it for the Auburn Family who believes in YOU and loves YOU!

    War Eagle!

  26. Win it for all the reasons everyone has shared - and, most of all, win it for yourselves because you deserve it. On a personal note, win it for my dad - a Golden Eagle Auburn engineer who loved Auburn football and taught his daughter to do the same. He suffered through the 0-whatever 1949 season, saw the first game played in Jordan-Hare (then Cliff Hare), contracted pneumonia after sitting in the rain at an Auburn-LSU game in 1970, and sat in his same seat in the end zone for countless years until he absolutely was no longer strong enough to get there. And win it for my mom, whom he met at Auburn, and who drove him straight to the stadium gates when he became too weak to walk from the Heart of Auburn. It's great to be an Auburn Tiger! WAR EAGLE!

  27. Win it for all the Auburn fans who supported Auburn in the dim years in the 70's and early 80's. Win it for those fans who sat through all those years when Alabama beat us 9 times in a row, who endured all the crap and were there every year filling the stands and supporting Auburn.

    Win it because it's time. Time for this team, time for the Auburn family, and time for all the people who have believed and continue to believe that Auburn is a special place with truly special people.

  28. Barry said...
    Win it for every member of the Auburn family, win it for everyone who has worn the Orange and Blue,win it for yourselves[2010 Team] and win it for my beloved Michael, who loved his Tigers everyday for 24 years.

  29. Win it for Wayne Duck.

  30. Win it of course for Cam, who despite everything has played with such joy.

  31. Win it for Greg Pratt, who gave the ultimate sacrifice on the AU practice field August 20, 1983!

  32. Win it for my Grandchildren...ages 5,3,and 2... and the one on the way! Some of the first words they spoke were "Touchdown Auburn" and learned "The Fight Song" along with of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star".

    They are a new generation of Auburn, they will be proud when sitting in class,or on the playground, or when they stick the first AU decal on their cars, and when they prepare to go off to Auburn themselves.

    They will carry a win at the National Championship Game with them through life, with great pride.

    War Eagle and thank you Auburn for the joy and fun we share because we are the "Auburn Family".

  33. Win it for my dad, and for other alums who were fans through seasons without a win, seasons when our team underperformed, and seasons when we performed like champions but lost the popularity contests. Win it for those men and women who, despite any or all of the above, believed in Auburn and loved it. War Eagle!

  34. I want them to win it for all the fans who love and stand by Auburn no matter what kind of season they are having. And who enjoy life so much that they can still can have a great time win or lose; who have that intangible, genuine and good, Auburn spirit.

  35. Win it for my mom who loved Auburn with passion and joy for all of her too short 56 years. Win it for all of us who were born Auburn fans due to our parents allegience but who through-out our lives chose to remain faithful to Auburn, never considered any other option, and never will. Win it for those of us who lived the 9 straight losses to Alabama literally from Kindergarten through 8th grade and all of the torture that entailed. Win it for Coach Dye who stood up to the world and brought the Ironbowl to Auburn and so much more.

  36. Win it for my father Fred Jones AU '47 a life-long Auburn fan, who died December, 2009 and missed this phenomenal season of his beloved Tigers

  37. "JUST WIN IT" Baby! War Eagle!

  38. Win it for all of us alums that listened to those from that Tuscaloosa school for so many years in the late 70's and 80's, tell us how great they were and how the Bear walked on water. They were good but now it's our turn and Auburn is great. I won't glote when we win, I'll just smile widely and say "It's great to be an Auburn Tiger". We're a "family", much closer than a "nation". WAR EAGLE!

  39. 3rd Generation Auburn StudentJanuary 3, 2011 at 7:33 PM

    Win it for the loyal fans who had to take crap from arrogant Bama fans under the shadow of 'the Bear.'
    Win it for children who learned the Auburn fight song before they learned Jesus Loves Me.
    Win it for those who end their prayers with "War Eagle."
    Win it for Auburn fans who are paying thousands of dollars, as well as their first born, to go cheer on our Tigers in Glendale next week.
    Win it for the Borden family, my family with three generations of Auburn students and alumni, who cheered a big "WAAAARRRRR EAAGLLEEEE!!! HEY!!!" after opening each Auburn Christmas gift, drawing the experience out to a 4 hour Auburn event.
    Most of all, win it for the students like me who will be in class on Monday, January 10th, who had to read that email saying we didn't win the student ticket lottery to the National Championship, but will still cheer on our Tigers from our home in the plains just as loudly as we would if we could be there with them.

  40. Win it for Johnny Adrian, Auburn native, high school and University grad, who lost a lengthy battle with cancer this past summer.

  41. Just go WIN IT ... for every man, woman, boy and girl who has worn orange and blue throughout the years ...for those who haved walked the plains and cherished every step; for those who sang the Alma Mater with passion; for those who have yelled "WAR EAGLE" until their voices were gone; and for those who have celebrated victories by throwing rolls of toilet paper at Toomer's Corner. This time next week ... let's be the NATIONAL CHAMPIONS ... go WIN IT, Tigers!

    Mobile, AL '74 Grad

  42. Win it for the one's who have left this world with Auburn at the center of their heart.

  43. Jason Black from Athens Alabama

    Win it for my Daddy (Spencer Black) who made sure I went to Auburn and got a degree from there. Win it for him because he loved Auburn and spent countless hours and money making sure we went to every game we wanted to. Win for how hard he fought for almost 70 days to survive for reasons we did not know how he was doing it only to realize he was wanting us to be ok and he knew Cameron Newton was "the" answer for which he waited 66 years for. Win it for his grandkids who miss him dearly and this will make things seem normal if at all possible.

    Win it for the 13 year old boy who laid in the floor and cried as Van Tiffin kicked a ball out of the universe. Win it for him as he was made fun of for wearing Auburn clothes and had National Championships "rolled in his face" forever only to say I do not care.

    Win it for the father who takes his kids to games he knows he cannot afford, but sacrifices other things so they can be a family. Win it for the same man who cries everytime the Eagle flies and looks to the sky as if to say I know you are with me.

    Win it because we do not feel we deserve it as other schools do each year, but because we love a place that only can be found in our hearts as Auburn men and women and in some fairy tales. Win it for the young couples who met at Auburn and cheered as they were students and look forward to the day they can take grandchildren to be a part of our "FAMILY". I am selfish, win it for me, because I have paid my dues in the halls of school, the family reunions, the high school games I attended, the trips to Wal-Mart, the friends that make me wonder why I call them that, and even those "good" people at church that flaunt their good fortune and ask not what I have done this week, but why are you wearing that ugly tie pin. That is who I want to win it for.........Jason

  44. win it for that schoolboy fighting his friends to the death on the playground, staring them down through the blood, snot, and sweat. all that because they're defending our name, our colors, our school. win them the day so that they can stand tall and proud; you've done it once this season, please do it for them again.

  45. Win it for the players on FUTURE Auburn teams, so they can look at obstacles in their way and say "Yeah, we can overcome these, and win another National Championship." Far too often we have seen glory snatched away; 1958, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1993, 2004, 2006 are all years that we either had the chance stolen from us, or had one slip-up along the way. Something like that can get into the heads of a program; it's time to rid ourselves of those demons, so future Tigers can worry about what needs to be done, and not about what might happen.

  46. I'm a third generation alum, and I'd like Auburn to win it for my grandfather who passed away last January. He was a season ticket holder for 47 years and never missed a home game.

    He had always dreamed of watching Auburn win another national championship, and while I'm saddened he wasn't here with us to share this season's magical ride, I know he's yelling "Go Big Blue!" from heaven.

    I've worn the gameday shirt he wore last season for every game, and if I could dedicate anyone for Auburn to win it for, it would be him. Love you PawPaw.

    War Damn Eagle!

    AU Alum '04

  47. Win it for Coach Chizik, who came to our Family when we weren't exactly receptive. Win it for him because he won the hearts of our team and made them believe in themselves again. Win it for him because he brought back former players and made them feel a part of our Family once again. Win it for him because he spent countless hours uniting a student body and a fanbase that will gladly go to battle with each and every one of you when you take the field. Win it for Coach Chizik.

  48. Win it for my liver and my once brown hair(now turning grey) cause they have certainly taken a beating over the years because of my Tigers.
    In all seriousness: Win it so we can shove it in ESPN's and Bama's face and just tell them to STFU! Sorry I couldn't go the cheesy/sappy route.

    War Damn!

  49. Win it for my good friend Matt Yates who is no longer with us. Matt was my roommate in Auburn and before he passed in 2007, he lived and breathed Auburn Football. Wish you were here buddy, we love you and WAR EAGLE!


  50. Win it for your Head Coach, who has brought back a true sense of Auburn to the football team, and has led you to the promised land.

  51. Win it for Coach Dye, Coach Tubs, Jim Fyffe, and the Auburn Family. Win it for your parents who obviously put in the hard work to get you where you are today. Win it for yourselves, make history.

  52. Win it for my Dad, J.B. Crenshaw '50.. I’ll be their wearing his AU Class ring for good luck…
    I know he along with many other "Auburn Angels" will be attending the game also!

  53. Win it for my 92-year-old grandfather. I'd like to share the joy of an outright national title with him just once.

  54. Patti, her daughterJanuary 4, 2011 at 1:04 PM

    Win it for Pitty-Pat, a 77 year old little lady in a nursing home with alzheimers who has LOVED Auburn her whole life and leaves a legacy for that she still dons her Auburn attire, though trapped in mindlessness yet perhaps knowing in her heart that her beloved Auburn is playing for a National Championship title.

  55. Win it for all that is "Auburn" and give the glory to God....

  56. Win it for those of us that live across the country in Colorado and display AUBURN on the back of our car with pride...year after year. Win it for those of us that finally sent a great Christmas card to all of the Georgia Bulldog Fans with their four kids wearing Auburn sweatshirts in front of the Christmas tree.
    Win it for the kids that dream of going to Auburn one day.
    Win it for the three year old that laughs everytime he says "kick'em in the BUTT Big Blue"!!!

  57. Win it for us all.....the Auburn family who loves and supports you! We have sadly lost too many who would cherish this day, so let's raise our voices and say "We are AUBURN, and we are family!"

    AU Alumn, Class of '79

  58. Charles from BirminghamJanuary 4, 2011 at 2:31 PM

    Win it for every Auburn man and women who have endured the Alabama nation, with there taunts and lack of respect. Step on there nose with a hob kneeled boot and smash it! Break there nose! Make Nick Saban wish he had never left Miami! Everyone thought we would fade into the night and now look! Auburn people are a family, and no one can take that away from us. I grew up looking up to guys last named Burger, Joseph, Danley, Slack, Riggins, White, Bostic, Sanders, Nix and at the same time having to see them do everything that was asked of them and not receive a national championship. Do it for my best friend Joey Pollard who passed away Octoboer 26th 2010. A huge Auburn man, who passed on the day after Auburn was declared number one in the nation after beating LSU. As that sun broke through the clouds on a dreary day in Bryant-Denny on November 26th, it shined on the Auburn section(not the bama)! I can hear Joey asking the father to send those ray's down to keep his people warm. Coach Chizik, Cam, Nick and all the seniors, January 10th will be your night, go and win it because it is your hearts desire!

  59. Win it for Cory Lewis, former Auburn quarterback. He left a lot of blood, sweat and tears on that practice field. He'll watch this one from Heaven and might even exchange a high five with Shug when we win!

  60. Win it for Greg and Cindy Gravette. Two members of the Auburn family who lost thier lives in a car accident a few years ago. They left behind 2 little Auburn Tigerettes. Greg would love this team and I'm sure he'll find a tree in Heaven to roll next Monday night!

  61. Win it for the Tigers who never got the glory. Maybe they were a walk on, or scout team member. Maybe they were the 4th string punt returner who took beating after beating just so he could put on that blue jersey and run through that tunnel every saturday. Win it for the 42 year old man who cried on January 2, 1984 when he was a child and Auburn got "cheated" out of a national championship. Win it for the 42 year old man who ran all over the neighborhood screaming "War Eagle" in 1982 after Bo's leap over the top set us free. Win it for the 42 year old man who had chill bumps as he sat in the student section and watched Auburn run through the tunnel to play Alabama at home for the first time ever. Win it for the 42 year old man who passes on his love for Auburn every saturday when he takes his two sons to the games an works hard to teach them what being an Auburn man is all about. Win it for the 42 year old man that still gets tears in his eyes as he hears the Auburn band play War Eagle and the Tigers run onto the field. But most of all, win it for yourself. You have done everything asked of you to get to this point. Now go have fun and enjoy your day in the sun. But know this..... win or not, I'm very proud of you and love you!

  62. Win it for Eddie Bass my friend that died in 1990...he loved the Tigers, yes he did.

  63. Win it for this yourself; for the blood, sweat, and tears you have sacrificed to get here. Win it because this has been your dream since the first time you ever put on a football helmet. Win it for those that have loved you, guided you, supported you, coached you, and cheered for you since you were a little boy. We all share a dream, and together, our dream is within reach. The choices are agony or ecstasy... Win it for ecstasy!! War Eagle forever!

  64. Win it for the recent Auburn graduate that I met on the second day of my two years in the middle of nowhere SouthEast Asia. Win it for the retired Auburn graduate waiting for his wife at the bottom of an escalator three months before I returned home. Win it for the guy who saw me wearing my Auburn shirt and gave me a War Eagle in the Atlanta airport the day I returned home. Win it for all those family members that you have yet to meet but will one day in the middle of nowhere or at the bottom of an escalator or in the airport.
    Win it because you have earned the right to be there. Win it because we believe in you. Win it because you love Auburn. Win it because Auburn was great before you and will be great long after you are gone. Win it because you are on a mission to be what you are destined to be. Win it because all you do is win, no matter what.

  65. Archie (from Huntsville)January 4, 2011 at 6:01 PM

    Win it for AUBURN...

    Win it for everything AUBURN means to those who bleed orange and blue...

    Win it for those who came before you and those who will come after it for yourselves...

    Become Legends...Win it for AUBURN...and live forever in the folklore of the Loveliest Village On the Plains.

  66. win it for my late father-in-law, one of the biggest Auburn fans I knew. His funeral was the morning of the AU/UGa 4 OT game in 96, morning because he would have been PISSED if he caused AU fans to miss a game...

  67. to the selfish this time & WIN it for YOU! It's something that YOU will cherish for the rest of YOUR life! It's OK to be selfish on 1/10/11 as long as you give 200% on the field. Warrrrrrrrrrrrrr Eeeeeeagle!

  68. Win it!!, because it's time.
    Win it!!, because "you can".
    To everything there is a season.
    This is your season. This is Auburn's season.
    So WIN IT!! and finish it as this season lives on.
    Thank you for a wonderful ride. War Eagle!!!!!

  69. Win it for the Auburn Family, which encompasses all the players, coaches and fans alike. Know that whatever happens, the Auburn Family will still love you, stick by your side, and will be ready to cheer you on again in September. WDE!

  70. Win it for Corey Lewis...a back-up quarterback during the 89', 90', and 91' seasons. Corey was the last Auburn quarterback to wear #2 before Cam Newton.

    Corey died of Leukemia in 2001.

    Win it for Corey's Dad, Don Lewis, who was an Auburn kicker in the 1960's. Don misses his son terribly.

    Win it for Doug Barfield...a mediocre coach but a damned good man. And one who loved Auburn very much.

    Win it for the many Auburn fans that are fighting overseas...and won't be able to see or hear the game. But in their hearts, they'll be with us all..

  71. Win it for my Dad. A huge Auburn fan, died during the AU-ua game in 1993. I love you Dad and will see you in Glendale. WDE!

  72. Win it for the Auburn family.

    Win it for us that had to listen to the Auburn - Florida game in 1993 on the radio in our living room and run around the house going crazy when Scott Etheridge nailed the winning field goal.

    Win it for us who were there in 1995, the first time Gameday traveled to Auburn for the Bama game.

    Win it for those of us who were present in New Orleans in 2004, jubilant in victory over Virginia Tech, but knowing we never had a real shot at the title.

    Win it for those of us who were there for the 1998, 1999, and 2008 seasons and still cheered our hearts out for our team in defeat.

    Win it for me, a third generation Auburn graduate that is raising a son and daughter to be the fourth generation Auburn Alumni in my family.

    Win it for my mother, who taught my brother and I the fight song before we could walk. For teaching us our love for Auburn football and Auburn University most of all.

    Win it for my Grandfather, "Hot", who passed away in 2003, who never got to see the 2004 or 2010 teams. If it wasn't for him, no one in my family would be part of the Auburn family.

    Last, WIN IT FOR YOU. Whether you win on 1/10/11 or not, you are part of the Auburn Family for life. Those who watched you this year will tell our children and grandchildren about the magic season of 2010 and what a ride it was.


  73. WIN it for all the loyal true blue fans who are always behind you no matter what!
    WIN it for all the underdogs who have to do it bigger and better just to earn an ounce of respect!
    WIN it for the children that grow up hearing the auburn cheers so much that they can spell Auburn before they can spell their own names.
    Win it for yourselves because YOU DESERVE IT!!!
    and last but not least,
    Win it because we believe in Auburn and LOVE IT!

  74. Win it for everybody, everywhere who has yelled "War Eagle" and has known what that means.

    Win it for those who couldn't afford the trip to Glendale and for those who had to use their savings to pay $2000 or more for a single ticket to the game.

    Win it for those who have been loving Auburn and waiting patiently since 1957 for Auburn to be declared national champions.

    Most important, win it for yourselves. You have a date with destiny Monday night. Play like you played in Atlanta and make yourselves and the entire Auburn nation very, very proud.

  75. Win if for Roger Wiggins who has been an Auburn fan since the 50's and who was diagnosed with and beat throat cancer last year!!

  76. Win it for my husband Roger Wiggins who has been an Auburn fan since the 60's and fought and won the battle with throat cancer this past year!!


  78. Win it for those of us who try to explain to others, but can’t quite put into words that special feeling of being an Auburn grad – a part of the Auburn family - forever. Win it for those of us who fight back tears when the eagle flies and the band marches onto the field. Win it for those of us who will come to Auburn to see that crystal football, hear our souls say “Yes!”, and get tears in our eyes.

  79. Win it for my father and all the rest of us AU Fans who grew up in Big Orange Country and endured the taunts as children, but never waivered. :-). Win it for the perpetual "second team" in Alabama, especially back in the day when Bear took all the players in the state, put them on scholarship so that he could compete unfairly.

    It's finally our time. Please win it for my dad who is still with us and might not get another chance to see this. This season has been an answer to prayers and a blessing from God!

  80. Win it for the little girl whose Daddy (a bama "fan") once told her on a road trip, as they passed Auburn, "I hope you paid attention to how we got here, because if you ever want to come to school here you'll have to walk."

    Win it for that same Daddy, who even though he said it was like a "knife to his heart", happily wrote 4 years worth of tuition checks because his daughter had found her home, and who wrote a check for season tickets right after that first tuition check 15 years ago and hasn't missed an Auburn game, wearing Auburn gear, since then.

    Win it for the Mom who insisted that the Dad support their daughter in her pursuit of happiness and who is one of the most passionate Auburn fans I know.

    Win it for all three of us, who will join you in Glendale and lose our voices cheering our Auburn champions to victory! My dad joked that he was spending my inheritance on this trip, and I told him I couldn't think of a better way to spend it... We're ALL IN! War Eagle!

  81. Win it for the boy from Georgia who got to see his first Auburn game in the wooden bleachers at Grant Field in Atlanta on his 8th birthday as Bo ran all over the Yellow Jackets.

    Win it for that same boy who's mom gave up her season ticket in 1989 so that her only son could go to the game with his dad to see UAT come to Auburn for the first time ever...and lose!

    Win it for all the fans who sat through the torrential rainfall in Jordan-Hare against West Virginia in 2009.

    War Eagle!

  82. Win it for those of us who are new to the AU family of fans! I'm not an AU grad, but I married one. Because of him and his family, I've really grown to love college football :)

    I believe in Auburn and love it :)


  83. Win it for the students who sat in Jordan-Hare until the final seconds ticked off of the clock... through the wins and losses.

    Win it for each of those students that will be watching in Auburn on Monday, as anxious as any student playing in Glendale.

  84. Win it for my grandfather, who died when I was too young to know him but lived his whole life as a true Auburn man. He would be so proud and excited to know that his two granddaughters are now students at the university he loved so much

  85. Win it for Virgil Starks, who worked hard to keep all of our athletes academically eligible. He and a host of others will roll the heavens with a WIN!

  86. Win it for all the the little boys who wear their Auburn jerseys and dream of the chance to be an AU football player, win it for all the little girls who wear their AU cheerleader outfits proudly and hope to cheer on or off the field for their favorite team, win it for the state of Alabama, win it for all the families who get up every fall weekend and drive to watch the Tigers, win it for Kodi who gave us his position gracefully and has been instrumental in getting us where we are today, win it for every player on the team that works hard day in and day out to give us this opportunity, win it for Gene Chizic and the entire coaching staff. Go Tigers!!!!!!

  87. WIN it for the EAGLE who beautifully soars over the stadium as the crowd yells "Waaaaaaarrrrrr Eagle Hey".

  88. Win it for anyone who has ever been an Auburn Tiger...and for all those yet to be. Win it for my five year old daughter who could sing the fight song when she was two. Win it for my 11 year old son who can tell you the score of every Auburn game since 2005 but cannot remember to feed the dog. Both are future Auburn Tigers! Win it for my husband who has never left an Auburn game before the clock read 00:00 no matter the opponent or score. Win it because you know the Auburn Family is behind you and supports you every step of the way.

    Mostly, win it because you claim this victory as your own! War Eagle!

    Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory.
    Diane Arbus

  89. Win it for your Auburn family.

    We are the ones who are sitting at home, or in the office, or in the airport waiting to go to Glendale, letting the tears flow, unashamed, as we read all the comments here.

    The tears come because we recognize the names and dates and places listed here. We've spent a lifetime learning and experiencing all of it.

    They come because we remember where we were and what we felt during those glorious victories and crushing losses.

    They come because we knew and miss many listed here who have passed on and didn't get to witness this amazing season.

    They come because we are the ones that you watched cheering in the stadium when you visited as a recruit, the ones who said hello to your family as they waited for Tiger Walk to begin, the ones who smiled and said, "Welcome to Auburn, we're glad you're here."

    They come because we are the ones who you hear singing the alma mater in Jordan-Hare at 0:00, when you've already made your way to the locker room, no matter the score.

    They come because we know that on 1/10/11, we'll be there, no matter the score, long after 0:00, where the tears will come once again, and you will hear us cheering and know that you're part of our family forever. War Eagle!

  90. Win it for my cousin Mike Goodwin, who left us far too soon...with the Auburn Fight song playing on the organ as his casket was rolled out of the church. Mike and countless others whose names you will never know will be cheering each and every one of you on from a heavenly sideline, alongside many others whose names we all know and cherish...names like Jack Meagher, Shug Jordan, Greg Pratt, Jim Fyffe and James Foy. Win it for those who have traveled from far & wide to be in Arizona to cheer you on in person...and for those of us who will be right here in Auburn on Monday night to transform Toomer's Corner into a "Winner's Wonderland," yet again. And above all remember this, win or lose -- "There's no such thing as 'Auburn fans'...only AUBURN FAMILY." God bless and WAR EAGLE!

  91. Win it for my sister, who loved Auburn as much as anyone, and will be cheering with all those Auburn angels.

  92. Win it for Auburn, which is more than a place, it's home; it's more than fans, it's family: it's more than a season, it's every day, every year, no matter what. Win it for all of us who were, are and ever will be lucky enough to be Auburn Tigers. Looking forward to being there to support our team and school and to celebrate with family!! War Eagle.

  93. Win it for anyone who sees the "Auburn City Limit" sign and thinks, "It's good to be back home."

  94. WIN it for my little girl who is 4 years old and who is winning the battle against leukemia. She has watched every Auburn game that has been played on TV this year. She shouts out "War Eagle" at least 10 times a day. She truly loves Auburn with all of her heart and is so excited about the championship game.

  95. Win it for yourselves. Win it for your mother and father who made sure you got to football practice. Win it because this is the moment of your lives. This is what it is all about. Life is made of moments. Every Auburn fan, player and coach has waited for this moment. WIN IT. And kick some duck butt!

  96. win it for my 2 1/2 year old son ben. he deserves to see the beginning of our next dynasty

  97. Win it for the little girl (me) who had a sticker of Sullivan/Beasley on her door. Win it for her mom who never cared about football until later in life when I went to Auburn and she became it's biggest fan. She even followed "her" players into the NFL. She's in heaven waiting to cheer her boys with a big War Eagle!

  98. Win it for my Grandfather and Uncle who aren't here to enjoy it with us.

    Ever to conquer, NEVER to yield!


  99. Win it for George Petrie who personified the Auburn Man and Woman through his life and wrote in the Auburn Creed! I Believe in Auburn and Love It !! War Eagle

  100. Win it for YOU!!! The 2010 Auburn Tigers!!! Win it for the entire Team, including the Coaches and Staff!!!

    Win it for my grandfather, an Auburn graduate, and die hard Auburn fan, who died in September of 1957, when my mother was only 13, and didn't get to see the 1957 Team lift the National Championship Trophy.

    Win it for my mother, a double Auburn graduate, whose father was an Auburn graduate and mother was an Alabama graduate, and at the Age of 5, told her mother that she hoped she didn't mind if she only cheered for Auburn, because 'It was born in her'.

    Win it for my father, a double Auburn graduate, who is so superstitious, that although he's going to Glendale to celebrate with everyone, he won't go into the stadium, because the only game he attended this year was the Georgia game, which he promptly left when Georgia was winning 21-7, and after his departure, the Tigers rallied, and remain undefeated.

    Win it for my 87 year old grandmother, who LOVES Auburn, win or lose, and watches all games until the bitter end, with such intensity and zeal, you would think she's 21.

    Win it for my Aunt, a double Auburn graduate, who can't sit still during an Auburn game, because she hates it when we don't do well, but loves Auburn to the core.

    Win it for my Uncle, an Auburn graduate, who played Basketball at Auburn, and on the day of his wedding, in 1985, listened to an Auburn Basketball game, in a car, parked outside of the church.

    Win it for my grandfather, a man with a wonderful love for life, who passed away in 1991, and retired as an Auburn University employee, after many years of service.

    Win it for my grandmother, who passed away in 1987, and did graduate from Alabama, but eventually moved to Auburn, and loved her daughter even though she cheered for Auburn.

    Win it for my brother, a double Auburn graduate, who is a rabid Auburn fan, and has stuck with our Tigers through thick and thin, with lots and lots of humor, along the way.

    Win it for me!!! A 1996 Auburn graduate and lifelong Auburn fan, that has worn the same pair of flip flops to every game this season, including the Alabama game, which was in 40 degree weather, because she, too, is superstitious.

    Win it for the Auburn fans that are paying $5,000 a ticket, so that they can cheer you on, in person!!!

    Win it for those that have come before us and will come after us!!!

    War Eagle!!!

  101. Win it for yourselves men! Win it for your family, your coaches, your team mates, your friends and Auburn fans everywhere! Thank you for representing Auburn University in a way that makes us proud. Cherish every moment and thank God for it all!

    MSH - '92

  102. Win it for every athlete that ever stepped onto the campus and gave 4 years of their own blood sweat and tears everyday at practice just for the honor to compete for the University - for those men and women who gave their all but never brought home a coveted title...but would do it again anyway for love of the game and for the love of Auburn

  103. Win it for my sweet AU alum who loves Auburn with his entire heart and taught that love and pride to me and my brother. He and my mother planned my birth by C-section on the open weekend before the Alabama game in 1969 so that he could still go to the Iron Bowl. He also made an Auburn fan out of my mother about 48 or so years ago. Now he's her caretaker because she has Alzheimer's Disease. He is the most selfless person I know and I'm so proud that he's taking some time for himself and going to Glendale to watch Auburn WIN!

  104. Win it first and foremost for every player, coach, and staff member associated with the team - YOU ARE AUBURN UNIVERSITY!! You've worked hard for this, it belongs to you; with the grace of God we will take it home on Monday night. This will be the night in which we refer to years down the road as the first of many championships and OUR night in the desert!

    Win it for my Mom, Jan - she is without a doubt the most ardent supporter of Auburn University that the world will ever know. She and my Dad are also the sole reason that I will be fortunate enough to attend the game (when there are many other deserving fans who will be unable to do so.)

    Win it for my beautiful wife Becky and my wonderful boys Nicolas and Sam who will be at home cheering the Tigers on to victory! Win it for my wife as she so wonderfully offered to stay at home and make it possible for me to attend the game. Win it for Nic and Sam, both of whom were raised in the correct manner and able to sing the Auburn fight song as soon as they could speak and love the marching band!

    Win it for all of the LeMaster, Hagood, and Quick clan who were unable to attend.

    Win it for the Auburn Family!!!

    Most importantly, please, please, please win it for my incredible Mom who has faithfully supported Auburn University as well as the athletic teams (most of this season from the tunnel in Section 50 of the Upper West portion of Jordan-Hare as she was too nervous to watch the games.)

    Please win it for Cam.

    Win it because we BELIEVE in Auburn and love it!!!

    War Eagle!!!!

  105. Win it for the Auburn Spirit, for our way of living. Win it for all that have gone before us, for those that are living it today and for all that will follow. We are Auburn. War Eagle!

  106. Win it for my dad, who grew up a bama fan, but graduated from Auburn in '69 and was buried wearing an Alumni pin. For my brother, who was devastated to learn that he couldn't go
    straight to Auburn after graduation from kindergarten. For those of us who came of age during the years of 9 straight losses to bama. For all of my first cousins who graduated from Auburn. For my son who is a freshman at Auburn and really doesn't understand why I cry as I read all of these posts. Win it for those who are proud that we are a Family.
    But most importantly, win it for the legions that belive in Auburn and Love It!!!! God Bless us all and WAR EAGLE!!!!!

  107. Win it for yourselves and win it for the 1957 National Championship team. Those guys are all very proud of you!! WAR EAGLE!!!

  108. Win it for my daddy...a WW II veteran who went to AU on the GI bill, win it for me, my siblings, my husband and my nieces (all Auburn grads), win it for my 9 yr old son who loves Auburn more than anything!
    Win it for the Auburn Family!!!!!!!!
    War Eagle !!

  109. Win it to give the Glory to God...for it is Him who made it possible for AUBURN to have had miracle after miracle on the road to a National Championship!


    ISAIAH 40:31 But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with the wings like eagles,They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.



  110. win it for all of the members of our Auburn family on whose shoulders you stand. Win it for all of the members of our Auburn family who are standing on those shoulders with you. Win it for all of the members of our Auburn family who helped each of us the men and women we are. Win it for all of the future members of the Auburn family who will stand on our shoulders when we are gone. Win it for Auburn, of which you and we are all a part of. WDE!

  111. Win it for Jon Bourland! reason i became AU fan 20 years ago(age 7) (and eventual graduate) He lost his fight to cancer at age 12 and with eye of tiger mentality screamed WAR EAGLE till end!

  112. win it for my mom. she died a year ago september. i always believe we should not ask God for football calls to go there way (there are other bigger problems in this world), My mother fought cancer for 6 years. So I ask for Mom in heaven to help with a touchdown or field goal. This year is our year of making the unbelievable happen. Thanks Mom the Auburn Family is glad you are on our side I may ask you for one more football favor.

  113. Win it for the Tigers of 2004 who didn't get this opportunity, though they earned it.

    Win it for the Tigers of 2008 who persevered through hard times.

    Win it for yourselves,symbols of excellence and perseverence in your own right.

  114. Above all win this one for yourselves. Because this special groop will never be together again as a whole. Some of you may have other chances, but for this special group of seniors, this is their last chance. War Eagle to the best group of young men to ever "Bleed Orange and Blue" Thanks for the ride.

  115. Win it for all of the SEC fans who never seem to remember our name when mentioning the SEC's top programs!!!

  116. Win it for Ross Folmar.

  117. Win it for my son, Brian Keith Jones, who enrolled at Auburn University in September 1984, got to know first hand all of the love and excitement of being an Auburn student, a fantical Auburn fan, sitting in the student section as the team had such an incredible season his Freshman year. He got to experience the joy of watching Bo Jackson continue to run straight toward the Heisman Trophy in 1985, but my precious son was tragically killed on 11/22/85 in an automobile accident. When Bo stepped to the podium to accept his award 2 weeks later, as a mother, I cried, knowing in my heart that it was what Brian had predicted would happen, and I always felt it was a gift for him and that he was watching the presentation with me. Now, 25 years later, another perfect season, the Heisman going to a young athletic that is one of the most exceptional young men I have ever seen on the football field. Brian would have loved Cam Newton and the entire team, would be so proud of what they have accomplished, and would have said all through this year, "mama, I know he is going to win it and they are going to be National Champions." So, win it for Brian and all the Auburn family, past, present and future, whose love for the school, the team, everything Auburn will live on for eternity, and give the praise to God for giving these wonderful people the ability to play the game of football and the game of life so skillfully and with so much pride. WAR EAGLE...IT'S GREAT TO BE AN AUBURN TIGER!!!

  118. Win it for my 12-year-old son who attended his first Auburn game at Jordan-Hare at 19 months old in his stroller! He had his own set of season tickets when he was three years old, and has been at most games since then. He has dreams of playing in the Auburn University Marching Band. They will be blessed to have his musical talent, as well as his immense love for Auburn marching on that field every Saturday!

    Win it for our family that, even when we moved from Birmingham to Nashville, continued driving to Auburn every big home game weekend and many away games. Long drives filled with lots of playing of the AUMB CD to get us pumped up.

    Win it for my true-Auburn-man husband, who stepped outside the "family" and married this University of Tennessee girl. He knew I was the right one in October 1995 when I sat in the rain through the Auburn-Florida game at Jordan-Hare that day, then went to the Alabama-Tennessee game that night at Legion Field. Two huge SEC games in one day....He knew I had surpassed all those other girls!

    Win it for my husband's father who passed away when my husband was 14 years old. In those few short years together, my husband learned a deep and abiding love and respect for Auburn from his daddy. Man, I would have loved to have known him.

    Win it for the generations of fans, past, present, and future, who love Auburn to the core and live by the Auburn creed every day of their lives. Just win it! War Eagle!

  119. Win it because 'I believe in Auburn and love it'! Win it for the family; For those of us who have been Auburn fans "win, lose, or draw, because we don't ever abandon our team". Win it for those of us who grew up during the 1970's and all we ever heard about was how horrible Auburn was. Win it for my dad, a 2nd generation AU grad, whose last Auburn game was the 1st Iron Bowl played at Auburn, and who taught me the love of Auburn & football. For those heading to the game show them what the AU family is like & cheer on our beloved Tigers! May God bless our team and keep them safe. WAR EAGLE!!!

  120. win it for my 4 year old son, who every night as I'm leaving his room after tucking him in, let's out a "War Eagle daddy"

  121. Win it for Auburn.

    Win it for your own Moms and Dads. They want you to win it more than anyone, and for the best reasons - they love you and they want you to be happy.

    But most of all, when the going gets tough Monday night, win it for yourselves. Win it to reward yourselves for all of the hard work, the long hours, and the hard times you've endured the last few years to get here. Win it, because you've earned it.

    God Bless and War Eagle!

  122. Win it for your Lord and give Him glory and praise for gifting you with the athletic skills and talent to accomplish all you have.

    Win it for your parents and all the other moms and dads and aunts and uncles and grandparents who invested their time and money and heart and soul in getting you where you are today.

    Win it for the AU Cheerleaders and AU Marching Band and Aubie who work very hard to support you and interact with the fans.

    Win it for the Jordan-Hare staff who spend their game-days working to make the experience pleasant and fun for the 87,000+ there to watch you play and celebrate your victories.

    Win it for the tried and true Auburn family who are faithful and devoted and have tolerated (sometimes not very gracefully or peacefully) the nasty spewing taunts of Bama fans for their entire lives.

    Win it for this former AU Marching Band "rat" who was so overwhelmed when she marched out of the tunnel for her first game on Jordan-Hare Stadium that she didn't play a single note (but stayed in step!)

    Win it for your brothers and sisters, who live in your shadows and think you made the stars sparkle.

    Win it for yourselves, for your legacy and place in history.

    Just WIN IT!!!

    War Eagle!

  123. Win it for a perfect ending - a grand finale - to an unbelievable amazing football season for our Auburn Tigers... thanking God for the favor he granted game after game for miraculous plays and outcomes that would not have been possible otherwise. Matthew 19:26 "...with God all things are possible.” I'm believing!

  124. Win it for yourselves because you DESERVE it. This team, including the coaches, is special this year and everyone in the world can feel the magic.

    Win it for the Auburn Family who have supported, and always will support, our beloved school through thick and thin.

    Win it for my great grandfather who went to Auburn when it was East Alabma Male College. Win it for my grandmother, great aunt, and great uncle who graduated from Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Win it for my dad, my uncles, my aunt, my cousins, my brother and me who have all graduated from Auburn University. Win it for my brand new niece who we all plan will also graduate from Auburn.

    Win it to prove that we all can persevere and succeed in the face of adversity.

    Win it for every little kid that learned how to say WAR EAGLE before he/she knew their whole name.

    Win it for all the fans who happily wake up pre-dawn and return home almost 24 hours later just for the sake of watching their Tigers play football.

    Win it for all the Auburn legends because you know they are cheering for you wherever they may be.



  125. Win it for my mom and grandmother who saw to it that I bled orange and blue and countless like them who are no longer with us but who would have loved to see what their Tigers have done this season. Win it for those of us for whom Monday night will bring back memories of them and their passion for Auburn and who would love and long to be experiencing this with them but cannot. Win it for Auburn and all that Auburn represents, all that makes Auburn the unique and special place and people that is. War Eagle!

  126. Win it for my Daddy, Freddie Holman #43, who played for Auburn in the 30s and was on Auburn's first bowl team. I have felt his spirit with us this entire exciting season. Win it for all the Auburn men and women like him who taught their children to love and cherish Auburn. Win it for those children like me who grew up loving Auburn and bleeding orange & blue. But most of all, win it for yourselves - you deserve it! Make this the most memorable of all Auburn football memories. War Damn Eagle!

  127. Let's win it for all those mentioned for sure AND also for my father-in-law, Teddy Foret in 1957! Still living and showing his colors proudly!

  128. Win it for my good friend Lanny Pinkard c/o 1994 who is not here to see it.

  129. Win it for the pure, sweet joy and fun of it! AND for some super powerful shut-up juice for the haters and peddlers of negativity. Auburn is different and special -- don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  130. Win it for my mom that went to Auburn but never graduated. Who raised a family full of Auburn graduates through hard work, love, and perseverance.

    Win it for the devout Auburn fans that are dropping everything in the world to be in Glendale or in Auburn just to be with family and celebrate your victory.

    When it for you and all you've done to relight the fire for Auburn fans young and old. Congratulations!

    Win for my 5 year old son, who I'm taking to Auburn Monday night, so he can grown up to be an Auburn Alum and tell his friends that he was there to see Toomer's in its greatest rolling yet!

    War Damn Eagle!!!

  131. Win it for the LORD and then yourselves!!!!! With His guidance, you have all worked hard this year, and you deserve to continue to be #1 in the entire nation. Just know that the whole Auburn family is behind you...All In! War Eagle!

  132. Win it for my Aunt Debbie, the most passionate Auburn fan I ever knew. She loved Auburn more than anyone and pledged her allegiance to every Auburn athlete and attended every sporting event she could. She wanted everyone to love Auburn, just so they could feel what it was to be a member of the Auburn family. Win it for Debbie who attended every Tiger Walk and went to Toomers after every win. She stood and yelled "get LOUD" during every defensive play and "shushed" you during the offense's time on the field. Win it for Debbie who found 100 shakers so that on my wedding day, my new husband and I could have our own Tiger Walk as we left our reception. She had special shakers made, 3 years later, when her daughter married and Auburn Football player. Win it for Debbie and for everyone in Arizona, GET LOUD, because you are short one very important fan.

  133. Win it for J.R.

  134. Win it for Jim Fyffe, Aairon Savage, Win it for all Auburn Players, Auburn Family, and THE AUBURN NATION!!!

    We love you guys,

  135. Win it so the rest of the nation will finally recognize that The Auburn Tigers and Auburn University are the best, most passionate team and school in the Nation. The South may have lost the civil war, but the football war belongs to the SEC and the Auburn Tigers! EAGLE, EAGLE, WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!

  136. Win it for my dad, who would have been a member of the 1957 national championship team if not for messing up with his grades. He lettered in 56 and would have played a good deal. He went back and graduated several years later but I know it ate at him that he didn't get a chance to play football anymore. I know he'll be watching from heaven.

  137. please win it for royce Mcmeans (class of 43) who was an alumni recruiter for Coach Jordan. Royce last signed Don Bristow from Hanceville, Al who was an outstanding defensive tackle for Auburn. Royce Mcmeans died june 7th 2010 and is buried in his home town of Cullman, Al. he was a great Auburn alumnus and loved Auburn more then life itself. He would have been the proudest of this 2010 Auburn football team!

  138. Win it for my grandfather, George Grant, who pitched for the Auburn baseball team in the early 20's and whose name is on a brick in the stadium, and for my father, who is an alum. They both will watch the game from Heaven.

  139. Win it for Robert "Jackson" Ingram. This is my late grandfather who i love and was my hero. He was the guy that got me into Auburn University. We watched countless number of Auburn football games and shared countless numbers of "WAR EAGLE" and countless numbers of great stories. He went to Auburn for college. He was in the Air Corp for some of his life and he always considered himself and Auburn man and he was. I wont be able to go Auburn but through Grandpa i consider myself an Auburn guy as well. This man wasnt just my Grand father but he was my hero and i know there will be tears on Monday. I know he is looking down on me and my entire family so Win it For Robert "Jackson" Ingram. I Love You Grandpa and WAR EAGLE!!!!

  140. This was posted recently on an Auburn board and I thought it was appropriate to post it here:

    Please Allow this Bammer to post about Greatest Au fan I know


    I have know this man for 43 years. He is the oldest living individual in the State of Alabama with Muscular Dystrophy.

    For several years he has had little if any body movement.

    He has loved his Auburn Tigers with the greatest passion I have ever known.

    He is continuing to beat the odds. We thought he would not make it through the Holidays. I may be wrong, but I believe God is allowing him to watch his beloved Tigers on Tv play for the Championship.

    He is in Renal Failure. I pray God alows his wish to come true and see Au win the Championship.

    He told his mom they needed to "cook a duck", so his Aunt bought one and cooked it in their home.

    So please allow this Bammer the privilege of saying in my loudest voice.


  141. Win it for my grandfather who grew up the son of an Alabama fan, but became an Auburn fan because of his high school football coach. He is the biggest Auburn fan I know and some of my best memories are when he took my sister, my cousin, and me to games every fall. He video taped us practicing our "cheers" as we tailgated.

    Win it for my grandmother, his wife, who will most likely have lots of cakes and cookies Monday night because she is too nervous to watch and bakes instead.

    Win it for my goddaughters. They are almost five and already greet me with a "War Eagle" when they see me. I went to Auburn with their mom and we have already trained them well. They know most of the fight song and LOVE Aubie!

    Win it for yourselves and your coaches. You have worked hard through this entire season, good and bad, and deserve this! Your Auburn family lives you!

  142. Win it for yourself boys! You and only have practiced endlessly, pushed yourself beyond the limits, tasted blood, conquered injuries, and basically have worked your tailend...defensive end off for this!! Good luck coaches, players, cheerleaders, band members, & all who contributed to this awesome team! Prayers and love to you all!

  143. Win it for my grandmother, who, when she was widowed at 37, sold the farm, moved to Auburn and built a rooming house at 121 Toomer Street in 1937. Win it for my dad who never missed a game for 40 years. He read the Auburn Creed at the assembly when it was introduced to the student body in 1945 and we read it at his funeral. His will be one of many 'War Eagles' uttered in heaven Monday night!

  144. Win it for GKA - my 75 year old father. He has supported Auburn since graduating from API in '58. He is in Glendale with my mom and 3 of his "boys" (grandsons) that have been raised in the right way.

    Win it for me. My love is only surpassed by my dad's - the Fight song was played in the church on my wedding day! And yes, I married an Auburn man.

    Win it for my 14 year old daughter who dressed as Cam Newton for Halloween. She is growing in her passion for everything Orange and Blue.

    Win it for my 7 year old son. His heros are Cam Newton and Nick Fairley.

    Win for for Us - Your Family.

  145. Win it for all of the men and women who generously donated money to Auburn University so that our athletic department (and other departments) would be top notch. And yes...that includes Bobby Lowder and Milton McGregor - who have given alot!

  146. Win it for the Lord who has blessed each of you with amazing talent !

    Win it for my mom, Gladys Bentley, who graduated from Auburn in 1946. She loved Auburn and passed that love down to all of her children. I know that she would be in Glendale right now pulling for her tigers.

    Win it for yourselves, your coaches, your Auburn family! We are behind you every step of the way!! This year has been magical and I personally thank you for the journey. Now go bring us home a trophy!!

    SAT 89' 4th generation Auburn grad

  147. Win it for my Mom and Dad who both graduated from Auburn in the early 60s, who both love Auburn more than any people I have ever known, who both had to endure the Bear Bryant era, who loved and enjoyed Sullivan and Beasley and were there for 49-26 over Bama the year I was born, who raised my brother and I to love Auburn as well, who both loved Pat Dye and all he did for Auburn, who sacrificed to buy our family season football tickets for the last thirty years where so many great memories have been made, who sacrificed even more so that my brother and I could also be Auburn graduates, who have stuck with Auburn through thick and thin and endured every tough loss, low point and near miss Auburn has gone through, who love watching the eagle soar before every home game, who will be there next season ready to go whether we win this game or not but who would appreciate this win more than anyone, win it for my Mom and Dad.

  148. Wow. Such eloquent comments. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes reading them. Ditto all of the above. ALL IN-ALL AUBURN-ALL FAMILY. Win it Auburn, just win it. War Eagle!!

  149. Win it for Greg Pratt! Greg was a running back on the 1983 team. He died in pre-season conditioning drills. He gave the ulitmate sacrifice for the Auburn Tigers. The 83 team tried so hard to win it all for him. Finish the job for them!

  150. Win it for the Auburn F.A.M.I.L.Y.
    F stands for:
    Focus, Fight, Fantastic, Finish, Fun
    A stands for:
    Awesome, Attitude, All-in
    M stands for:
    Massive, Monstrous, Muster, Manly
    I stands for:
    Integrity, Institution, Individuals together as one
    L stands for:
    Life, Laughter, Loyalty, Love
    Y stands for:
    Yelling loudly for Auburn
    and whY?
    We know who we are. Go out on that field in Arizona and make the rest of the world know who we are!
    WARRRRRR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!

  151. Win it for my sweet little grandbaby who is being brainwashed by a bammer. May she see truth. All in

  152. Win it for all the little guys that grew up loving Auburn and dreamed of playing football there one day only to find out that they were not good enough to play beyond high school. Win it for Me. Donnie Peek Class of 95' War Eagle

  153. Win it for the Tigers in the other desert—the men and women who proudly fight for us on a daily basis and will be pulling for you from across the world.

    Win it for my brother who just got home from Iraq, but is stationed in “Duck Country.”

    Win it for my grandfather, who because of his love of Auburn, I am a third generation Auburn graduate.

    Win it for those of us who couldn’t go to Glendale. You win and we’ll brave the ice and snow at Toomers.

    Win it for yourselves. You deserve it.

    And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I BELIEVE IN AUBURN AND LOVE IT.


  154. Win it for Annabelle who was born the day after the Auburn vs. Alabama game in 2009 (this is how we will forever remember it). She is barely older than one year old and can already start a good old-fashioned "War Eagle," for the rest of the fans in the room to finish off. She has rolled Toomer's corner after every home game in her first full season as an Auburn Tiger! For that, we thank you and ask that you give us one more glorious opportunity to roll those beautiful trees.

  155. Win it for anyone who has had a tough year this year and has had a chance to get excited about this amazing Auburn football season despite having some sad circumstances in other areas of life.

  156. Win it in memory of my parents Charles and Jennette Giddens and Grandparents Ned & Elizabeth Giddens.

  157. Win it for my 9 year old daughter, who is discovering for the first time this year the joy of being a fan and the glory of being connected to something so much bigger than herself.

  158. Win it for all of the traditions that we hold so dear and that we can pass down to our children for many years to come! Win it for my 68 year old Dad and my 8 year old son and the excitement that I love to see in their face when talking about Auburn!

    War Eagle boys -We love you and the joy that you have brought to us this year!

  159. win it for cecil newton.

  160. Win it for my father, who was a freshman on campus during our last national championship and will now be in Glendale cheering his beloved Tigers on for the 54th consecutive year.
    Win it for my family, who was raised in a state full of Gators, Noles, and Hurricanes but remained steadfast in our love of the REAL orange and blue.
    Win it for my mother, who gave up her alliance to the Ohio State University to watch the Eagle fly over the Plains, and taught her children all about Bo, Pat, and Shug.
    and above all, win it for me, a current Auburn freshman who has loved this University since being born on the '91 Iron Bowl.

    Keep the tradition alive boys! Daddy got the first national championship, I'd like the second.


  161. Win it for the guy who yelled "boo Chizik" at the airport

    Win it for Kodi Burns. He is the heart and soul of this auburn team. He could have transferred, or complained when he didn't win the starting job, but instead he moved to receiver, and plays his heart out.

    Win it for coach Tubs. He got most of these players to Auburn.

    Win it for my friend Brad, who would rather be called a coward or just about anything but a Bama fan.

    Win it for Erk Russell, the last 4-sport athlete in the history of auburn.

    Win it for yourselves. This is your moment. It will not determine whether you have a place in auburn history, but it will make it shine brighter. This game is 60 minutes for the next 60 minutes of your life (see varsity blues for an explanation)

    Win it for our Family!!!

  162. Win it for that 8-year old kid who sat in the stands for his first Auburn-Alabama game and saw his Tigers block two punts and win 17-16. Punt Bama Punt. Little did he know that it would be his freshman year at Auburn, in 1982, before Auburn would win that game again. That 8-year old kid is 46 now, but stil proud that his allegience to Auburn never wavered in those 9 years like so many of his childhood friends, or at any time since. After so many highs, and yes, a few lows, win it for all of us who've stood by our Tigers through think and thin and loved every minute of it -- for all of us who realize it's about more than just football. So, win it for that 8-year old kid that still lives in my memory, and win it for my two teenage boys, who only think they've waited a long time for this.

  163. Win it for my 13 year old son who has worn an Auburn shirt to school (in Louisiana and Birmingham) every day for the last FOUR YEARS, my 19 yr. old nephew who has done the same for numerous years, and were proud of our tigers no matter if we won or lost.Win it for the rest of our family who knows what it's like to be a student on a beautiful campus with Godly people.Win it for my daughter who is a freshman there now and loves every moment there! Win it for my nephew who won the National Mascot Championship as Aubie a few years ago. Win it for all our athletes who thank GOD FIRST when interviewed after a game! Win it so we can be an example to Alabama fans of what a good WINNER can be! War Eagle !

  164. Win it for my wife '83 who I will be watching the game with on TV tonight. She will be cheering her alma mater on but in the back of her mind she will be wonderding what the tests results will be when she sees her doctor tomorrow. He will give her the test results on a large mass in her body he found recently. Please God, win it for my wife.

  165. Win it for those Auburn fans who refused to say RTR when auditioning for that hateful ESPN commercial and lost a job. Check out my Tooomers Corner oak tree. It was big enough to roll this year after the Iron Bowl. will be rolling it again for the BSC as soon as the snow clears.

  166. Thanks for winning it.

  167. Win it for my parents who ate sandwiches every night for dinner for 5 years and did it without so much as a whimper just so I could go to college. Dad, Class of 1952, BS Forestry.


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